Episode 1: We Are All Creatives

On this first episode, we explore how we are all "creatives" and all have the power to access our creativity. Noah invites listeners into his ReVoice method, starting from nothingness and creating music spontaneously by activating his voice.

He then invites listeners into a moment of stillness before beginning his interview with acclaimed writer and educator Tony Fredericks.

Episode 2: We Are Always In Recovery

On this episode, Noah shares a story of generational trauma within his own family in an attempt to show how one moment can have a trickle down effect through the generations. It’s also a story of the power of music to transcend the generations and be a source of comfort and healing.

Noah interviews expressive arts therapist and author Dr. Cathy Malchiodi and they discuss the power of creativity in helping to work through the effects of trauma.

Episode 3: The Creative Body

On today's episode, Noah focuses on how we can tap into the creativity in our bodies. He interviews Nico Allen, a NYC-based movement catalyst, and they discuss the power of movement meditation practices for activating the creativity in the body.

Noah leads a movement meditation practice that invites listeners into an embodied experience of creativity.

Episode 4: The Power of Positivity

On this episode, Noah explores the power of positive thinking and interviews acclaimed author and public speaker David Essel. Their highly energetic and dynamic conversation is bound to leave you feeling more positive and ready to remove any and all blocks that are preventing you from experiencing joy in every moment.

Noah leads a guided meditation inviting us to view ourselves and our experiences with more compassion and more self-acceptance.

Episode 5: Pain Is Not Normal

On today's podcast, Noah interviews Chris McMahon, a health and mindset coach with profound and compassionate ways of working with his clients through discomfort. Noah examines the tendency of the creative process to dredge up painful moments and how when we enter into our creative practices with regularity they can actually help us transform our pain points into therapeutic expression.

Noah once again invites listeners into his ReVoice method so we can witness the creative process unfold. We hear how he accepts "mistakes" and pushes through until he discovers what he enjoys. In this way we can see how the creative process is about chasing our joy which inevitably leads to more lightness of being.

Episode 6: Unlocking the Breath

On today's episode, Noah interviews Stress Coach and Breathwork Facilitator Jeannie Kulwin. This episode focuses on the importance of cultivating rest practices that allow us to bring down our central nervous systems to a place of rest, which allows the body and mind more space to drop into more creative thinking. In addition to the interview, Noah leads a guided meditation practice focusing on how we can't control the outside world or the emotions that make their way through us, but we can control our responses to them.

Episode 7: Managing Creative Anxiety

Feat. special guest Happie Hoffman

On today's episode, Noah speaks with Eric Maisel, author of over 50 books on the topic of creativity, including "The Power of Daily Practice," "Lighting the Way," and "Unleashing the Artist Within." Noah and Eric have a dynamic discussion about the value of learning how to manage one's anxiety while being creative.

Noah also invites recording artist Happie Hoffman to join in the ReVoice experience as they co-create spontaneous vocal expressions together.

Episode 8: Meeting Mortality with Creativity

Noah speaks with Rabbi/Cantor Lisa Levine about her book "Yoga Shalom." She combines her life's work as a pastor, composer, chaplain and yoga practitioner to offer deep insights into how to creatively and compassionately make out way through life. They enter into a deep discussion on the value of acknowledging our mortality.

Noah leads a guided meditation focusing on how the power of our breath mimics the flow of life and can become a powerful teacher for us in learning how every moment presents an opportunity to let go and bring in new possibilities.

Episode 9: The Power in Polarity

On today's episode, Noah interviews GS Youngblood who wrote a book called "The Masculine in Relationship." They discuss the difference between the terms 'male' and 'masculine' and how no matter the gender or sexual preference, there needs to be a dynamic polarity of the masculine and feminine energies in order to create meaningful and lasting relationships.

GS teaches how when we can learn how to show up for ourselves, we can learn how to best show up for our partners and for our creative work.

Noah reminds listeners that the pathway to accessing authentic communication with our partners is the same pathway for accessing our authentic creative expression. It all starts with dropping into the body and listening for what arises.

Episode 10: Getting Things Done

On this episode, Noah interviews author and speaker David Allen about his work associated with productivity. David has become one of the primary faces of the productivity movement and corporations worldwide use his methods to help organize and maximize creative potential. David gives clear and helpful tips on how to be more efficient as well as tips on how and when to let certain things to to create more space for creativity. Noah leads a full body movement meditation practice to help us drop out of our head and move energy throughout the body.

Episode 11: The Magic of Creativity

Today Noah speaks with Liane Gabora who has taught and written extensively on the subject of creativity and how it affects the brain. In addition to her research and teaching, Liane is also an artist herself and engages in a multitude of different artistic practices including composing music, fiction writing, playwriting, dance, and painting.

Episode 12: Reprioritizing Wellness

On this week's episode, Noah interviews Alexandra Dull who is a recreation therapist and yoga practitioner. Alex's work helps remind us of the importance of recreation in our lives, not thinking of it as something we do whenever we have free time (which for many of us is never), but something that we can build into our daily lives and is as essential to us as any of our other wellness practices and responsibilities.

Noah leads a meditation inviting us into a state of spaciousness and curiosity. He also leads a 5 minute spontaneous music experience to invite listeners into the creative process.

Episode 13: Healing Through Sound

On today's episode Noah interviews Shalom Mayberg, a meditation and mindfulness teacher and sound healing practitioner. They have an in-depth discussion about the power of sound to regulate our bodies' flow of energy and how when we experience a sound journey experience our bodies entrain to the healing frequencies that they are receiving.

Noah shares an excerpt from his 6-part ReVoice Series that he offers through the GRPSN platform. For more information on the series and the wonderful sound experiences being curated on the platform visit GRPSNG.com.

Episode 14: Devotional Practicing

On this episode, Noah interviews drummer and kundalini yoga practitioner Aaron Glazer. Their conversation is deeply connected and spiritually uplifting as they discuss the value of discipline in whatever practice we choose. It's all about merging our attention with our intentions and not getting too attached to the words we use to describe divinity. It's all the same thing.

For our moment of spontaneous creativity, Noah invites in Kansas City based musician Coleen Dieker to jam with him and create spontaneous music together. Their musical interplay is powerful and you'll be welcomed into the creative process as it unfolds for them in the moment. For more information on Coleen's work visit coleendieker.com.